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In this section we offer additional videos of teaching artists Knowledge-keepers involved in the First Voices project. For educators who want to dig deeper into the content, these may be useful to share with students.

Importance of language

Ruthie Shoulderblade and Alaina Buffalo Spirit
(N. Cheyenne / Knowledge-keepers & storytellers)

Ruthie talks about the importance to her personally of speaking the Northern Cheyenne language.

Sammy Jo Bird
(Blackfeet / Visual artist and Rodeo champion)

Sammy Jo discusses her inspiration for the painting she created for Tsèhésenèstsestotse ("The Big Dipper")—and how the Northern Cheyenne version differs from the Blackfeet version of the story she learned growing up.

Chontay Standing Rock
(Chippewa Cree / Musician & composer)

Chontay discusses collaborating with artists and students from different tribes as part of this project.

Chontay discusses the impact the project has had on him personally.

Walter Fleming InterTribal

Professor Walter Fleming
(Chair of Native American Studies at MSU Bozeman)

Professor Fleming is perhaps one of the most important NAS scholars in the United States. Here he shares his perspective on the value of inter-tribal collaboration.

Scott Indigenous video

Scott Smoker
(Videographer / Director of Photography, First Voices)

Scott discusses the power of storytelling and how, especially in Indigenous communities, film-makers can find and document authentic stories from within the community.

Preeti Vasudevan
(Artistic Director, Thresh / Project Leader First Voices)

Preeti discusses the use of hand gestures and shadows in the storytelling of "The Big Dipper" story.

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